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Amigos Encantados, a legal entity governed by private law, registered with CNPJ/MF under nº 50.078.964/0001-20 takes your privacy seriously and ensures the security and data protection of all its customers, partners, suppliers and users of the website “amigosencantados.lojavirtualnuvem.com.br” and any other website, Store, application operated by us.

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about how we use and disclose information collected from your visits to our Store and in messages we exchange with you. This Privacy Policy only applies to information collected through the Store.


This Privacy Policy provides an overview of our privacy practices and the choices you can make, as well as rights you can exercise in relation to Personal Data processed by us. If you have any questions about the use of Personal Data, please contact [email protected]

Furthermore, the Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party applications, products, services, website or social media features that may be offered or accessed through the Store. Accessing these links will cause you to leave the Store and may result in third parties collecting or sharing information about you. We do not control, endorse or make representations about these third party sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from ours. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any website you interact with before allowing the collection and use of your Personal Data.

If you send us Personal Data relating to other natural persons, you declare that you have the competence to do so and declare that you have obtained the necessary consent to authorize the use of such information under the terms of this Privacy Policy.


  1. Definitions
    1. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:
      1. “Personal Data” means any information that, directly or indirectly, identifies or may identify a natural person, such as name, CPF, date of birth, IP address, among others;
      2. “Sensitive Personal Data” means any information that reveals, in relation to a natural person, racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, affiliation to a union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data;
      3.  “Processing of Personal Data” means any operation carried out within the scope of Personal Data, by means of automatic means or not, such as the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or, alternatively, making available, harmonizing or associating, restricting, deleting or destroying. Any other operation foreseen under the terms of the applicable legislation is also considered Personal Data Processing;
      4. “Data Protection Laws” means all legal provisions that regulate the Processing of Personal Data, including, but not limited to, Law No. 13.709/18, General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (“LGPD”).
  2. Use of Personal Data​
    1. We collect and use Personal Data to manage your relationship with us and better serve you when you are purchasing products and/or services in the Store, customizing and improving your experience. Examples of how we use data include:
      1. Make it possible for you to purchase products and/or services in the Store;
      2. To confirm or correct the information we hold about you;
      3. To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you;
      4. To personalize your experience using the Store;
      5. To personalize advertising to you based on your interest in our Store;
      6. To contact you at a telephone number and/or email address provided. We may contact you in person, by voice message, through automatic dialing equipment, by text messages (SMS), by email, or by any other means of communication that your device is capable of receiving, under the terms of law and for reasonable business purposes.

      2. In addition, the Personal Data provided may also be used in the way we deem necessary or appropriate: (a) pursuant to Data Protection Laws; (b) to comply with legal process requirements; (c) to comply with a court decision, regulatory decision or decision of competent authorities, including authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to protect our operations; (e) to protect our, your or others' rights, privacy, safety or security; (f) to detect and prevent fraud; (g) allow us to use available remedies or limit damages that we may suffer; (h) in other ways permitted by law; and (i) to enforce our Terms and Conditions of Use.     

  3. Non-provision of Personal Data
    1. You are not required to share the Personal Data we request, however if you choose not to share it, in some cases we may not be able to provide you with full access to the Store, some specialist features or be able to provide you with the assistance you need. or, still, enable the delivery of the product or provide the service contracted by you.
  4. Data collected                                                                                                                                
    1. The general public will be able to browse the Store without the need for any registration and submission of Personal Data. However, some of the functions of the Store may depend on registering and sending Personal Data, such as completing the purchase/contracting of the service and/or enabling the delivery of the product/provision of the service by us.
    2. . Upon contacting the Store, we may collect::
      1. Contact details. First name, last name, phone number, city, state and email address; 
      2. . Information You Submit. Information you send via form (doubts, complaints, suggestions, criticisms, compliments, etc.)
    3. In general navigation on the Store, we may collect:
      1. Location data. Geolocation data when you access the Store;
      2. Preferences. Information about your preferences and interests in relation to the products/services (when you tell us what they are or when we deduce them from what we know about you);
      3. Store navigation data. Information about your visits to and activities on the Store, including the content (and any advertisements) you view and interact with, information about the browser and device you are using, your IP address, your location, the website address from from which you arrived. Some of this information is collected using our Automatic Data Collection Tools, which include cookies, web beacons and embedded web links. To learn more, read how we use Automatic Data Collection Tools in #7 below;
      4. Anonymous or Aggregated Data. Anonymous responses to surveys or anonymous, aggregated information about how the Store is enjoyed. During our operations, in certain cases, we apply a de-identification or pseudonymization process to your data so that it is reasonably unlikely that you will be able to identify you through the use of that data with available technology;
      5. Other Information We May Collect. Other information that does not specifically reveal your identity or that is not directly related to an individual, such as browser and device information; Store usage data; and information collected through cookies, pixel tags and other technologies.
      6. We do not collect Sensitive Personal Data.                                                  .                                                          
  5. Sharing of Personal Data with others.
    1. We may share your Personal Data::
      1. With the partner company(s) you select or choose to send your data, queries, questions, etc., as well as with service providers or partners to manage or support certain aspects of our business operations on our behalf. These service providers or partners may be located in the United States, Argentina, Brazil or other global locations, including servers for homologation and production, and service providers for hosting and data storage, fraud management, customer support, sales on our behalf, order fulfillment, content personalization, advertising and marketing activities (including digital and personalized advertising) and IT services, for example;
      2. The others parties for the purpose of helping us manage the Store;
      3. The others parties in the event of any reorganisation, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transmission or transfer of all or part of our business, assets or capital (including those relating to bankruptcy or similar proceedings).
  6.  International Data Transfers
    1. Personal Data and other information collected by us may be transferred or accessed by entities belonging to the corporate group of partner companies worldwide in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  
  7. Automatic collection of Personal Data
    1. When you visit the Store, it may store or retrieve information in your browser, either in the form of cookies or other similar technologies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is primarily used to make the Store work as you expect it to. The information usually does not directly identify you, but it may provide you with a more personalized internet experience.
    2. In accordance with this Privacy Policy, we and our third-party service providers may collect your Personal Data in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:
      1. Through browser or device: Some information is collected by most browsers or automatically through Internet access devices, such as computer type, screen resolution, operating system name and version, model and manufacturer device, language, type and version of the Internet browser you are using. We may use this information to ensure that the Store functions properly.
      2. Use of cookies: Cookies allow the collection of information such as browser type, time spent in the Store, pages visited, language preferences, and other anonymous traffic data. We and our service providers may use this information to, among other things, customize your experience when using the Store, as well as to target advertising to you, according to your interests. We also collect statistical information about the use of the Store for the continuous improvement of our design and functionality.
      3. Use of pixel tags and other similar technologies: Pixel tags (also known as web beacons and invisible GIFs) may be used to track actions of Store users (including email recipients), measure the success of our marketing campaigns and collect statistical data about Store usage and response rates. In case you have activated the personalization of ads in tools such as Facebook, Google or Bing, the information can be used to show ads in their services.
      4. We may hire behavioral advertising companies to report on the Store's advertisements across the internet. For this, these companies use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to collect information about your use, or about the use of other users, of our Store and third-party websites. We are not responsible for pixel tags, cookies and other similar technologies used by third parties. You can set your preferences in your browser's menu. Be aware that if you change computers or browsers, or use multiple computers or browsers, you will need to repeat this process for each computer and each browser.
  8. User Rights
    1. You may, at any time, request: (i) confirmation that your Personal Data is being processed; (ii) access to your Personal Data; (iii) corrections to incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data; (iv) anonymization, blocking or deletion of data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in violation of the provisions of law; (v) portability of Personal Data to another service provider, as long as this does not affect our industrial and trade secrets; (vi) deletion of Personal Data processed with your consent, to the extent permitted by law; (vii) information about entities to which your Personal Data has been shared; (viii) information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of refusal; and (ix) revocation of consent. Your requests will be treated with special care so that we can ensure the effectiveness of your rights. You may be asked to provide proof of your identity in order to ensure that Personal Data is only shared with the owner.
    2. You should bear in mind that, in certain cases (eg due to legal requirements), your order may not be immediately fulfilled, and we may not be able to fulfill it due to legal obligations.
  9. Security of Personal Data
    1. We seek to adopt the appropriate technical and organizational measures provided for by Data Protection Laws for the protection of Personal Data in our organization. Unfortunately, no transmission or data storage system is guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you believe that the security of any of your accounts has been compromised), please notify us immediately
  10. Hypertext links to other websites and social networks
    1. The Store may, from time to time, contain hypertext links that will redirect you to the websites of our partner networks, advertisers, suppliers etc. If you click on one of these links to any of these sites, remember that each site has its own privacy practices and that we are not responsible for those policies. Please consult those policies before submitting any Personal Data to these sites.
    2. We are not responsible for the collection, use and disclosure policies and practices (including data protection practices) of other organizations such as Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, or any other software developer or application provider, Store social media provider, operating system, wireless internet service provider or device manufacturer, including any Personal Data that you disclose to other organizations through the apps, in connection with those apps, or posted on our social media pages. We recommend that you inform yourself about the privacy policy of each website you visit or each service provider you use.                   
  11. Updates to this Privacy Policy
    1. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the new text on the Store, with the updated revision date. We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. If there is a material change to the terms of this Privacy Policy, we may inform you through the contact information we have in our database or through a notification in our Store.
    2. We remind you that we are committed not to treat your Personal Data in a way that is incompatible with the purposes described above, unless otherwise required by law or court order.
    3. . Your use of the Store following the changes signifies your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. If, after reading the revised version, you do not agree with its terms, please terminate access to the Store
  12. Person responsible for processing Personal Data​
    1. If you intend to exercise any of the rights provided for in this Privacy Policy and/or in the Data Protection Laws, or resolve any doubts related to the Processing of your Personal Data, please contact us via email [email protected]